Return Policy

If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your purchase, we are happy to accommodate a return for a refund or an exchange for the same product within 10 days of order fulfillment date. The order fulfillment date is the date in which your order was shipped. To qualify for a return or exchange all items must be unworn, unwashed, and undamaged, with tags still attached. Please email to get your refund processed. 

We are happy to supply a pre-paid shipping label through our Return Portal for return or exchange shipping. Please ship your order back to us within 5 business days of receiving the pre-paid shipping label. Returns shipped outside of this window will no longer be accepted as a return or eligible for exchange services.

All returns and exchanges will result in a $8 processing fee. Processing fees cover shipping and restocking services.

The Lil Lady is not responsible for any lost or damaged merchandise through the return or exchange process.

The Lil Lady has the right to refuse any returns that do not meet the return policy requirements

For any other questions or concerns, please feel free to email us at